Cliff Cheng, Ph.D., AC6C

Novice QSLs: Page 1.

Novice QSLs: Page 2

Key Collection - Page 1

Key Collection - Page 2

Key Collection - Page 3

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Remembering Lenore Jensen, W6NAZ

Photos: Early-Lenore

Photos: More Lenore, Part I

Photos: More Lenore, Part II

Photos: Bob & Lenore @ SFVARC

Photos: MARS Vietnam & Phone Patching

More Photos, Part I, of Lenore Jensen, W6NAZ (sk)

1977, Operation Santa Claus

Feb. 1976

Stu Rosen, Lenore and Bob, with Jack Chapman, W6DQE (sk) standing. Stu was the Producer of the popular children's TV show Dusty's Tree House. Jack was a friend of Bob and Lenore's from the San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club (SFVARC), W6SD, Jack has a story in Lenore's book Inside Amateur Radio (1995), page 40. He recounted his WWII experience of building a hidden transmitter in a Japanese prisioner of war camp and using it to call for rescue when the Americans invaded.  American forces were able to liberate the camp before the Japanese could kill the prisioners.    


1950s, Lenore's QSL Card
Here is one of Lenore's QSL cards.  We have recieved reports that she had several different  creative QSL cards.  If you have one, please email Cliff, AC6C, at  AC6C --at--  ARRL --dot--  com 

Approx. 1980, Packet Demo at Earthquake Awarenss Weekend

Lenore, About 1985 or 1986

This photo was taken a year or two before Bob Jensen's passing.  

Above the phone patch - re-packaged Cornell-Dublier rotator control unit. 

Right of the Phone Patch - Vibroplex Bug, above it a Hallicrafters TO-Keyer, Electronic Keyer unit



Lenore, photo taken late-1980s or earlier
Thanks to Glenn Rattman, K6NA for scanning this photo from QST, Dec. 1987, to ARRL for letting us use this photo, and to Paula Keiser, K8PK for enhancing this photo. 

Queen Mary Amateur Radio Club, W6RO - QSL Card
Thanks to Bob Burns, N6ZH for this photo.

1983, Lenore's QSL to Cindy from the Queen Mary Amateur Radio Station, W6RO
Thanks to Cindy Wall, KA7ITT for the use of this photo.