Bob & Lenore @ SFVARC
The Jensens and the San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club, W6SD
Bob and Lenore were members of several amateur radio groups and spoke at even more but the San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club, W6SD, www.W6SD.com, (SFVARC) was their home.
One of the Last Known Photos of Lenore
Photo Used With Permission of Cindy Wall, KA7ITT. Thanks to Paula Keiser, K8PK for photo enhancement.
Lenore's Club Badge
Thanks to Paula Keiser, K8PK.
Bob's Club Badge
Thanks Paula Keiser, K8PK
Bob & Lenore, Wedding, Oct. 16, 1966
Bob Jensen, W6VGQ (sk)
Thanks to Cindy Wall, KA7ITT and Steve Jensen, W6RHM for letting us post their father's photo.